Potential zones of drought


Voivodeship (NUTS-2) Total number of administrative districts Number of the administrative districts under threat of drought Percentage of administrative districts under threat of drought Percentage of area under threat of drought
dolnośląskie 169 90 53.25 18.27
kujawsko-pomorskie 144 144 100.00 77.82
lubelskie 213 0 0.00 0.00
lubuskie 82 78 95.12 50.31
łódzkie 177 162 91.53 55.33
małopolskie 182 0 0.00 0.00
mazowieckie 314 144 45.86 23.23
opolskie 71 15 21.13 1.84
podkarpackie 160 0 0.00 0.00
podlaskie 118 33 27.97 7.07
pomorskie 123 122 99.19 77.05
śląskie 167 0 0.00 0.00
świętokrzyskie 102 4 3.92 0.17
warmińsko-mazurskie 116 115 99.14 45.95
wielkopolskie 226 226 100.00 84.43
zachodniopomorskie 113 113 100.00 76.76
Polska 2477 1246 50.30 35.21
Participation of soils at drought risk
The drought benchmark (according to the Act. Dz. U No. 150) was not exceeded
< 10 %
10 - 30 %
30 - 50 %
50 - 80 %
> 80 %
Institute of Soil Science and Plants Cultivation
State Research Institute
ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy

Zakład Agrometeorologii i Zastosowań Informatyki
phone: 81 4786 879, 81 4786 752

Zakład Gleboznawstwa Erozji i Ochrony Gruntów
phone: 81 4786 779

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