Comment from Agrometeorologist

Communication report regarding the incidences of drought conditions in Poland

The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute, in accordance with the Act of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development has developed the climatic water balance values for all 2477 Polish municipalities (gminas) and, based on soil categories, calculated the current risk of agricultural drought.

In the fifth reporting period, i.e. from May 1st to June 30th, 2020, the average of Climatic Water Balance values, which are the basis for assessing the risk of agricultural drought, was positive and equalled 31mm. In the analysed period it has increased by 32mm in relation to the previous reporting period (April 21st – June 20th) and by 131 mm in relation to the first reporting period (March 21st – May 20th).

The largest water deficit, ranging from -170 to -189 mm, was still recorded in the area of Szczecin Coastland (Uznam, Wolin, Plains: Wkrzańska, Wełtyńska, Perzycka, and the Bukowe Hills), where it has increased in relation to the previous reporting period by 10 to 20mm. Considerable water shortages, from -120 to -169 mm, were still recorded in the western part of the Pomeranian and Greater Poland Lake Districts, while in the eastern part of these regions water deficit ranged from -50 to -119mm. In the rest of the country no crop water deficit was recorded. Whereas in the area of the Carpathian Foothills, the Western Beskids, and in the southern part of the Masurian Lake District CWB values have increased significantly (even by 100 mm in relation to the previous reporting period), which resulted in water surplus of 100 to 200 mm.

Based on the current humidity conditions, IUNG-PIB states agricultural drought in the area of Poland

Agricultural drought was stated in the following voivodeships:

  • Zachodniopomorskie,
  • Lubuskie,
  • Wielkopolskie,
  • Pomorskie.

Agricultural drought affected the following crops:

  • Spring cereals,
  • Rape and turnip rape,
  • Fruit shrubs,
  • Winter cereals,
  • Maize for grain,
  • Maize for silage,
  • Legumes,
  • Strawberries,
  • Ground vegetables,
  • Fruit trees,
  • Tobacco.

In the fifth reporting period, from May 1st to June 30th, 2020, the highest risk of agricultural drought occurred for spring cereals. Agricultural drought in this crop was recorded in 151 gminas (6.10% of all gminas in Poland). In relation to the previous reporting period, the number of gminas affected by agricultural drought has decreased by 82, which constitutes a decrease of 3.31%.

Drought occurred in 4 voivodeships, in the area of 1.98% of arable land (decrease by 0.48%). Table 1 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in spring cereals in particular voivodeships.

Tab. 1. Agricultural drought in spring cereals

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

In the current sixty-day reporting period agricultural drought affected also rape and turnip rape. It was recorded in 151 gminas in Poland (6.10% of all gminas in the country), which constitutes an increase of 3.56% in relation to the previous reporting period.

Agricultural drought occurred in 4 voivodeships in the area of 1.73% of arable land, which constitutes an increase of 1.53% in relation to the previous reporting period. Table 2 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in rape and turnip rape in particular voivodeships.

Tab. 2. Agricultural drought in rape and turnip rape

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

In this period agricultural drought affected also fruit shrubs. It was recorded in 124 gminas in Poland (5.01% of all gminas in the country). In relation to the previous reporting period, the number of gminas affected by agricultural drought has increased by 0.77%.

Agricultural drought occurred in 4 voivodeships, in the area of 1.37% of arable land (increase by 0.6% of arable land). Table 3 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in fruit shrubs in particular voivodeships.

Tab. 3. Agricultural drought in fruit shrubs

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

Agricultural drought occurred also in winter cereals. It was recorded in 101 gminas in Poland (4.08% of all gminas in the country). In relation to the previous reporting period, the number of gminas affected by agricultural drought has decreased by 45, which constitutes 1.81%.

Agricultural drought occurred in 4 voivodeships, in the area of 0.71% of arable land (decrease by 0.13% in relation to the previous reporting period). Table 4 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in winter cereals in particular voivodeships.

Tab. 4. Agricultural drought in winter cereals

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

Agricultural drought occurred also in maize for grain. It was recorded in 69 gminas in Poland (2.79% of all gminas in the country). In relation to the previous reporting period, the number of gminas affected by agricultural drought has increased by 60, i.e. by 2.43%.

Agricultural drought occurred in the area of 0.31% of arable land (increase by 0.3%). Table 5 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in maize for grain.

Tab. 5. Agricultural drought in maize for grain

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

Agricultural drought affected also maize for silage. It was recorded in 69 gminas in Poland (2.79% of all gminas in the country). In relation to the previous reporting period, the number of gminas affected by agricultural drought has increased by 60, i.e. by 2.43%.

Agricultural drought occurred in the area of 0.31% of arable land (increase by 0.3%). Table 6 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in maize for silage.

Tab. 6. Agricultural drought in maize for silage

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

Agricultural drought occurred in legumes as well. It was recorded in 69 gminas in Poland (2.79% of all gminas in the country). In relation to the previous reporting period, the number of gminas affected by agricultural drought has increased by 39, i.e. by 1.58%.

Agricultural drought occurred in 3 voivodeships in the area of 0.34% of arable land (increase by 0.26%). Table 7 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in legumes in particular voivodeships.

Tab. 7. Agricultural drought in legumes

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

Agricultural drought occurred also in strawberries. It was recorded in 60 gminas in Poland (2.42% of all gminas in the country). In relation to the previous reporting period, the number of gminas affected by agricultural drought has decreased by 19, which is 0.77%.

Drought conditions were stated in 2 voivodeships, in the area of 0.30% of arable land (decrease by 0.05% of arable land). Table 8 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in strawberries in particular voivodeships.

Tab. 8. Agricultural drought in strawberries

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

In this period agricultural drought affected also tobacco. It was recorded in 2 gminas in Poland (0.08% of all gminas in the country). Table 9 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in tobacco.

Tab. 9. Agricultural drought in tobacco

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

Agricultural drought occurred also in ground vegetables. It was recorded in 2 gminas in Poland (0.08% of all gminas in the country). Table 10 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in ground vegetables.

Tab. 10. Agricultural drought in ground vegetables

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

In this reporting period agricultural drought affected also fruit trees. It was recorded in 2 gminas in Poland (0.08% of all gminas in the country). Table 11 presents detailed data on drought occurrence in fruit trees.

Tab. 11. Agricultural drought in fruit trees

No.VoivodeshipNumber of local districtsNumber of local districts at riskShare of local districts at risk [%]Share of the area at risk [%]

May was cold this year. The lowest temperatures were recorded in the north of Poland, ranging between 9 and 11°C, whereas the highest temperatures occurred in the Lubusz Land, exceeding 12°C. In the majority of Poland temperatures ranged from 11 to 12°C. In the vast areas of the country temperatures in May were lower than the multiannual norm by 1-2.5°C, or even more than 2.5°C: in the Polish Uplands, Masovia, and Warmia-Masuria.

In the first and second decade of June, the highest temperatures (from 14 to 16°C in the 1st and from 19.5 to more than 20.5°C in the 2nd decade) were recorded in the vast area of Central Poland. In the south and north of the country it was colder, from 12 to 14°C in the first and from 16 to 19.5°C in the second decade. The third decade of the month was the warmest in the eastern regions, with temperatures ranging from 20 to more than 20.5°C. In the majority of areas, the recorded temperatures ranged from 19 to 20°C. The lowest recorded temperatures occurred in the south-western part of Poland: 16-19°C.

In May precipitation was highly diversified. In the first decade of the month, the highest precipitation values were recorded in the east and south of Poland, ranging from 60 to 150mm and constituting 100-160% of the multiannual norm. The lowest precipitation, between 30 and 60 mm, occurred in the north-western part of Poland, where it constituted 50-100% of the norm.

In June precipitation was intense in vast areas of the country throughout the month, ranging from 15 to 100m (in the second and third decade even exceeding 100m). In the first and second decade of the month, in the north-western part of the country precipitation was less intense, between 5-15 mm. While in the Silesian, Kraków-Częstochowa and Małopolska Uplands similar precipitation was recorded in the first decade, and in Podlasie Lowland in the second decade of the month.

As stated by IUNG-PIB, crop water deficit in the period of May 1st - June 30th is still recorded in the north-western part of Poland and has increased by 10-20 mm in relation to the previous sixty-day period (April 21st – June 20th). In the south of the country, however, the CWB values have increased significantly in relation to the previous reporting period, even by more than 100m.

Intense precipitation in the vast areas of the country occurring throughout the period under consideration resulted in water surplus. Particularly high CWB values were recorded in the south of Poland, ranging from 100 to 200 mm. Excess of water is more harmful to plants than its deficit - it causes rotting of plants and, in consequence, a considerable loss of yield. A significant water surplus is recorded in the following voivodeships: opolskie, śląskie, małopolskie, świętokrzyskie, podkarpackie, lubelskie and mazowieckie.

The area affected by agricultural drought has decreased in relation to the previous reporting period in the following crops: spring and winter cereals, and strawberries. The number of gminas and the percentage of the potential area of arable land affected by agricultural drought has decreased as well. However, in case of rape and turnip rape, maize for grain and for silage, fruit shrubs and legumes the range of agricultural drought has increased.

Lack of sufficient precipitation can still be observed in the north-western part of Poland, where it leads to considerable water deficit in soil. Due to a constant water shortage, agricultural drought is still recorded in the following voivodeships: zachodniopomorskie, lubuskie, wielkopolskie and pomorskie.

Executive Director

Prof. dr hab. Wiesław Oleszek

Report prepared by: Dr hab. Andrzej Doroszewski, prof. IUNG-PIB, Dr hab. Rafał Pudełko, Dr Katarzyna Żyłowska, Dr Jan Jadczyszyn, Mgr Piotr Koza, Mgr Elżbieta Wróblewska, Mgr Agata Ścibior

Institute of Soil Science and Plants Cultivation
State Research Institute
ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy

Zakład Agrometeorologii i Zastosowań Informatyki
phone: 81 4786 879, 81 4786 752

Zakład Gleboznawstwa Erozji i Ochrony Gruntów
phone: 81 4786 779

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Opracowanie IUNG-PIB 2020 na zlecenie Misterstwa Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi